воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


HI. I love Rich. Hes my boyfriend. Not goin anywhere. So if you like me/want to be with me, whatever. I donapos;t care. Thatapos;s just too bad. I have NO interest in you WHAT-SO-EVER. So donapos;t bother wasting your time trying cus its really fucking annoying. Go bother with someone whoapos;s interested, and if no one IS interested, HA Well that sucks even MORE for you now donapos;t it?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

coronet hearts kind tea

Iapos;m sick.

Not horribly ill. Just a bit under the weather... I donapos;t even think itapos;ll affect me that much.

But I got told in no uncertain conditions that I need to stay home until Iapos;m better. By my boss. Something about sneezing and running noses not going well with food service.

On the plus side, I have sick days. So Iapos;ll still be getting paid for sitting at home waiting for my sniffles to end.

On the down side, the world just might decide to be an ass and make me get progressively more sick since Iapos;ll be at home. The world works in funny ways like that. I guess Iapos;ll just have to wait and see.

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elmhurst park district illinois

this is my first blog on live journal and i already love it�
there are a few topics i would like to discuss and yes, they will be random but thatapos;s how i roll.
ok first topic: my grandma came to visit this weekend. �and she commented on my brotherapos;s�
"thug look". �now what does that mean exactly? iapos;m still trying to figure it out. You see my brother
having attended a private school his entire life and having been recently introduced to public school children,
has what one might say adopted their sense of style. Which is. . . ? oh and when my grandma saw him�
he was wearing gray basketball shorts and a hoodie over visible thermal wear. Now does this sound
like a "thug look" to you? keep in mind that this comment came from an elderly woman who probably
was just repeating something she heard in her weekly bridge competitions or whatever. Anyways iapos;ve�
somewhat adopted this "thug look" myself and i encourage everyone else to look into it themselves. Its
the latest fashion trend, iapos;ve just decided.
alrighty then, next topic: i just opened a bag of one of those 100 calorie chips ahoy cookies. Arenapos;t they
amazing? right so anyways, its really hard for me to eat something that is just sweet. I always need to have
something salty along with it. Is that weird? i donapos;t really know. After opening the said package of cookies, i�
mixed in some salty goldfish. It was the greatest combination ever it was the perfect amount of salt with the�
perfect amount of sweet. How fabulous is that? i would definitely recommend such a thing although if you�
approached an 100 calorie bag for the ideal number of calories then adding more food into the bag would�
defeat the purpose.�
thatapos;s all for today. Go red sox

xapos;s and oapos;s

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bristol parkway train station address

So we finally got around to making our video after many unfulfilled meetings. We were supposed to meet up at seven at the Amoranto Sports Complex but I got there at around eight. Needless to say, Abila (the only one actually on time) was pissed... And our camerwoman arrived at ten. Grah.

So we did it. We shot a sort of hitchiking scene first. Then... We shot the badminton part, then we left Alex and Jervie playing on the court while we went to the track and field. We shot the people running, biking, skateboarding and stuff like that and made a short intro. And then Nana and I ran around the track while Danessa shot the video. Pasci had arrived at that time was watching over our bags.

After that, we shot the collision part (our male groupmates and Cursor slamming on each other) and then the rest of them went home.

Danessa, Nana and I proceeded to BK, where we got Wi-Fi connection and some drinks. After finding out that our work cannot be read on Nanaapos;s laptop... We proceeded to Danessaapos;s place.

Blahblahblah... Iapos;m too tired to elaborate. Well, nothing much has happened anyway. I just wanted an excuse not to study and stay in front of the computer.


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alone dancing

It is hard to stay motivated while conducting a job search and I created a very small tool that has helped me tremendously.� Nothing fancy- no bells and whistles but I like to share things that I find helpful with the view that it could help another.�

I have created a form with TWO columns with one heading being apos;daily activityapos; and the other is apos;follow-upapos;.� There are 5 rows with a day of the week in each.� Easy.� On the weekend I prepare a list of things and slot them into the appropriate days on this sheet.� ANY activity that is job search related goes on here.� (networking lunches, research time, emails, calls, resume and cover letter writing etc etc)� Each day I also list every thing I�do that day and check off the things I�have done. �� The things that do not get done are slotted into another day.�� Under the follow up column I jot down things that will require follow up the NEXT week.� This includes things like call backs or setting new appointments.� This is pretty basic stuff folks but I am getting to the apos;magicapos; and for me there are two things that stand out.

1) At the bottom of the sheet I�have a large row called apos;Weekly Accomplishmentsapos;
Major accomplishments are recorded here.� Interview scheduled or donehellip;a great new contacthellip; anything that feels really awesome�� This is really personal and depends on each individual.� For some of us, making a call to a former colleague is scary.� For others it is not a big deal. � It is what matters to YOU that is important.� This is about being able to see that you are making progress and growing� I also think it is good to share these with your family or a coach or a supportive friend.
2) I do not do this on my computer.� The form can be created on the computer but for me I�have found that having a paper in front of me and filling it in by hand is more of a commitment somehow.� I also use all kinds of colours.� Not everyone will find that useful but I really like colour and it helps me to see bright things.� I sometimes circle things or draw lines to connect ideas.� A�apos;mind mapapos; if you will.

I think it will be interesting to see all the papers together in a folder once I land my dream job.� There is a story in there�

Before I close off this post, I�want to quickly mention something that fits in with the apos;motivationalapos; theme.� The news sucks right now.� Economy is bad..talks of recession...layoffs all around.�� People who are unemployed are AWARE and appreciate empathy but do not need constant reminders of that fact.�� My guidance to fellow job seekers is to not get sucked into the negative views.� There is something out there.� It may not be exactly what you set your sights on but this too will pass.�

Be kind to yourself,, focus on solutions and seek out positive people.�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

causes of slurred speech

I seem to have a pattern for cop shows with a twist. I loved Forever Knight and New Amsterdam (I still want to kill Fox for that one...idiots wouldnapos;t know a good show if it bit them in the butt. Bones being the exception) Moonlight, although that was PI not real police. And Iapos;m wanting to check out Highlander The Raven DVDs both because it fits the pattern and iapos;m a huge HL fan already. Normal shows except for Bones and the CSIs arenapos;t my thing but these are different lol (OK I admit itapos;d be fun to see a little NYPD Blue to see David Caruso even though Miami isnapos;t much for me)

Anyway, it seems okay so far. Iapos;ve never seen the original but I might hunt down some DVDs to watch or see if itapos;s still on in reruns over here.

I have to say this about ep 1. "Mac Taylor called. He wants his theme song back" Iapos;m still having fun with them using Baba Oapos;Riley so hugely in this first ep. I canapos;t hear it without thinking of CSI NY these days.

Anyway itapos;s definately a change for someone like me whoapos;s hooked on the police-science shows of today. My mom liked the older ones like Dragnet and Hawaii-5-0 but I never did.

I did catch the voices and such he was hearing in both eps and it makes me wonder how long the show will run or how theyapos;ll show the coma thing since the British one waited until the end. And American shows sometimes get axed before they can have an end.
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Ok, so y#39;all, I need help Suggestions. 2 weeks till Halloween and I#39;m still clueless about what I#39;m going to dress my kidlets as I normally make their costumes, but I don#39;t have the energy or time to do that this year. Anyone have any thoughts? They have no opinion. Ugh. The only requirements I have are 1. No superheroes, 2. They must go together somehow, whether they match or are a theme, and 3. Nothing scary. HELP

