суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

alone dancing

It is hard to stay motivated while conducting a job search and I created a very small tool that has helped me tremendously.� Nothing fancy- no bells and whistles but I like to share things that I find helpful with the view that it could help another.�

I have created a form with TWO columns with one heading being apos;daily activityapos; and the other is apos;follow-upapos;.� There are 5 rows with a day of the week in each.� Easy.� On the weekend I prepare a list of things and slot them into the appropriate days on this sheet.� ANY activity that is job search related goes on here.� (networking lunches, research time, emails, calls, resume and cover letter writing etc etc)� Each day I also list every thing I�do that day and check off the things I�have done. �� The things that do not get done are slotted into another day.�� Under the follow up column I jot down things that will require follow up the NEXT week.� This includes things like call backs or setting new appointments.� This is pretty basic stuff folks but I am getting to the apos;magicapos; and for me there are two things that stand out.

1) At the bottom of the sheet I�have a large row called apos;Weekly Accomplishmentsapos;
Major accomplishments are recorded here.� Interview scheduled or donehellip;a great new contacthellip; anything that feels really awesome�� This is really personal and depends on each individual.� For some of us, making a call to a former colleague is scary.� For others it is not a big deal. � It is what matters to YOU that is important.� This is about being able to see that you are making progress and growing� I also think it is good to share these with your family or a coach or a supportive friend.
2) I do not do this on my computer.� The form can be created on the computer but for me I�have found that having a paper in front of me and filling it in by hand is more of a commitment somehow.� I also use all kinds of colours.� Not everyone will find that useful but I really like colour and it helps me to see bright things.� I sometimes circle things or draw lines to connect ideas.� A�apos;mind mapapos; if you will.

I think it will be interesting to see all the papers together in a folder once I land my dream job.� There is a story in there�

Before I close off this post, I�want to quickly mention something that fits in with the apos;motivationalapos; theme.� The news sucks right now.� Economy is bad..talks of recession...layoffs all around.�� People who are unemployed are AWARE and appreciate empathy but do not need constant reminders of that fact.�� My guidance to fellow job seekers is to not get sucked into the negative views.� There is something out there.� It may not be exactly what you set your sights on but this too will pass.�

Be kind to yourself,, focus on solutions and seek out positive people.�

bas nylon secretaire, alone dancing, alone dancing lyric, alone dancing myspace.com site, alone dancing xox.

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